Package aspect.example

Source Code of aspect.example.Tree

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package aspect.example;

import aspect.core.AspectRenderer;
import static aspect.core.AspectRenderer.GeometryType.QUADS;
import static aspect.core.AspectRenderer.GeometryType.QUAD_STRIP;
import aspect.entity.Entity;
import aspect.render.Material;
import aspect.render.Mesh;
import static aspect.resources.Resources.*;
import aspect.render.ViewModel;
import aspect.util.Angles;
import aspect.util.Color;
import aspect.util.Matrix4x4;
import aspect.util.Trig;
import aspect.util.Vector3;
import java.util.Random;

* @author MillerV
public class Tree extends Entity {

    public final float height;
    public static final int LOD = 6;

    public Tree() {
        Random r = new Random();
        height = 6.0f + r.nextFloat() * 1.0f;
        Material m = new Material(loadTexture("bark", new File("materials/bark.jpg")));
        int numBranches = 20 + r.nextInt(10);
        float[] vertices = new float[(numBranches + 1) * vertexDataPipe(LOD)];
        float[] normals = new float[(numBranches + 1) * vertexDataPipe(LOD)];
        float[] texCoords = new float[(numBranches + 1) * texCoordDataPipe(LOD)];
        int vpos = 0;
        int tpos = 0;
        int npos = 0;
        vpos += pipeVertices(0.2f, height, LOD, vertices, vpos);
        tpos += pipeTexCoords(1, 1, LOD, texCoords, tpos);
        npos += pipeNormals(LOD, normals, npos);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBranches; i++) {
            float branchHeight = height - r.nextFloat() * 4.0f;
            float branchLength = (height - branchHeight) / 2.0f;
            float branchWidth = branchLength * 0.1f;
            float branchYaw = r.nextFloat() * 360.0f;
            float branchPitch =  75;
            int nv = pipeVertices(branchWidth, branchLength, LOD, vertices, vpos);
            int nt = pipeTexCoords(1, 1, LOD, texCoords, tpos);
            int nn = pipeNormals(LOD, normals, npos);
            Vector3 pos = new Vector3(Trig.sin(branchYaw), -Trig.cos(branchPitch), Trig.cos(branchYaw));
            pos = pos.times(branchLength / 2.0f);
            pos.y += branchHeight - height / 2;
            Angles ang =;
            ang.pitch = 75;
            ang.yaw = branchYaw;
            Matrix4x4 transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, ang,;
            transformPoints(vertices, transform, vpos, vertexDataPipe(LOD));
            transformVectors(normals, transform, npos, vertexDataPipe(LOD));
            vpos += nv;
            tpos += nt;
            npos += nn;
        addBehavior(new Mesh(QUADS, vertices, normals, texCoords, m));

Related Classes of aspect.example.Tree

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